RevitaMed Health – Private Healthcare & Aesthetics

The Hidden Cost of a Tan: Protect Your Skin from UV Damage and Skin Cancer

skin cancer

We all love the holiday glow that a tan gives us, but at what cost? Skin cancers are so preventable by using an SPF and we should be using an SPF 30+ daily (even in the UK!) on sun exposed areas.

Skin cancers can be separated into 2 types (melanoma and non-melanoma) but they have one common risk factor and that is UV radiation!

So why is UV radiation so damaging?

Over 80% of skin cancers are caused by overexposure to UV radiation. This includes UV rays from the sun, but also from sunbeds and tanning lamps. UV radiation damages DNA in your skin cells, which can accumulate over time and increase the risk of genetic mutations that cause skin cancer.

The more often you get burnt, the more damage is done and the higher the risk of skin cancer. It’s also important to know that you don’t necessarily need to get a sunburn for UV rays to damage your cells.

Investing in your skin, and protecting it, not only slows the aging process and means less wrinkles, but it reduces the chance of skin cancer. Our ZO skin sun protection range for the face is fabulous.

Have you bean meaning to get a skin lesion looked at? The earlier things are caught the more successful the outcome.

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Get those moles and blemishes checked by booking in for an appointment to see Dr Jen! Visit our booking page.